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美國臨床腫瘤學會American Society of Clinical Oncology(ASCO)是的腫瘤專業(yè)學術組織,宗旨是預防癌癥及改善癌癥服務。[1]


  學會規(guī)模日益壯大,有來自100 多個國家約 21500 多名會員,會員包括腫瘤學領域及其專科之臨床腫瘤科醫(yī)師、參與認可的腫瘤學訓練計劃的醫(yī)師和醫(yī)療專家、腫瘤科護士以及腫瘤科開業(yè)醫(yī)師。學會會員專攻腫瘤學領域,包括醫(yī)學、血液學、放射線治療、外科與小兒科。[1]




  ASCO設有公關部門,負責向國會議員提出建議,推薦有關醫(yī)療政策及意見,對美國醫(yī)療服務有相當大的影響。其出版的期刊被上多家檢索工具書和數(shù)據(jù)庫收錄、索引,包括:Abstracts of Health Care Management Studies, Automatic Subject Citation Index, Chemical Abstracts, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL), Current Contents (Clinical Medicine, ISI/BioMed, Life Sciences, Science Citation Index, SCISEARCH), EMBASE/Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus/MEDLINE, Neuroscience Citation Index, and EBSCOHOST Electronic Journals Service。


  1.Journal of Clinical Oncology(0732-183X)《臨床腫瘤學雜志》于1983年創(chuàng)刊,是美國臨床腫瘤學會會刊。每月發(fā)行3期,全年共36期。該刊旨刊載腫瘤預防、診斷、治療與護理的研究論文。側重于臨床研究。2005年在ISI(美國科學信息所)115種腫瘤學期刊中*6位,是和影響廣泛的臨床腫瘤學專業(yè)期刊。2005年影響因子(IF)為11.81。


  2.Journal of Oncology Practice(ISSN: 1554-7477)《腫瘤學臨床實踐雜志》是一個為腫瘤學家以及其他腫瘤專業(yè)人士提供信息、新聞和工具以提高實踐效率、促進照顧病人水平提高的平臺,其目標是成為一家腫瘤臨床實踐、行政管理方面的資源性刊物。該刊內(nèi)容有:封面故事、原創(chuàng)研究以及對于該領域日常工作來說十分重要的各種專欄。[1]







美國ASCO JOUCOMATIC公司是世界500強之一的美國艾默生集團成員,是一家主要生產(chǎn)和銷售流體控制閥以及氣動控制元件的跨國公司,具有100多年的生產(chǎn)技術經(jīng)驗,在擁有超過30家工廠,為客戶提供超過23,000的流體控制產(chǎn)品。ASCO旗下?lián)碛斜姸嗥放疲旱榷际茿SCO的成員,其中ASCO/RED HAT,SIRAI品牌包括通用型產(chǎn)品及部分適用于特殊工礦的產(chǎn)品,可控制普通介質(zhì)。GENERAL CONTROL為燃燒系列閥,介質(zhì)可為燃油等。SCIENTIFIC是微型閥適用于醫(yī)療器械及其他分析產(chǎn)品行業(yè)。JOUCOMATIC是專業(yè)的氣動控制產(chǎn)品的品牌,而TRI-POINT為壓力溫度開關產(chǎn)品。[2]


  自動開關公司(ASCO)zui初是生產(chǎn)升降機,壓縮機和發(fā)電機控制裝置的公司,1910年成為開發(fā)制造一種新的電動操作控制裝置,也就是的電磁閥。ASCO繼續(xù)在這些產(chǎn)品領域積極地開發(fā) ,如今制造的產(chǎn)品廣泛用于空氣、燃氣、液體等流體控制和電力控制領域。ASCO生產(chǎn)3000多種型號的標準電磁閥和超過20,000多種特殊型號產(chǎn)品。


  ASCO® RED-HAT® –電磁閥主要用于控制, 在工商業(yè)應用中控制空氣、 燃氣、水、輕油、蒸汽等幾乎所有流體和氣態(tài)物質(zhì)。為了滿足新設備不斷增長的需要,一些新的相關產(chǎn)品也被開發(fā)出來,比如氣動操作閥,手動復位閥,和智能閥等。ASCO同時生產(chǎn)制造多種閥,當一種標準產(chǎn)品不能*適用新的需要時,這些閥就可以滿足原始設備制造商市場的個性化需求。參照具體 產(chǎn)品介紹可獲得更詳細資料。


  1920年,ASCO又有了一次巨大突破,為緊急電源控制開發(fā)出*種自動轉換開關。這一產(chǎn)品可以感應到停電狀況,將關鍵電力負荷從斷電的正常電源中轉移到緊急備用電源。如今,ASCO的電源開關組成的產(chǎn)品用于控制備用電源現(xiàn)場發(fā)電機,包括關閉轉換調(diào)節(jié)開關,同時發(fā)電并降低峰值負荷, 儲備電力和能源的管理,也用于照明控制和其他電力應用。


  70年代中期, ASCO引進了*的壓力和溫度開關系列,用以滿足多變的工業(yè)應用要求。ASCO 三定點壓力和溫度開關能感應各種流體的壓力和溫度。在操作中,它們會發(fā)出一個警報信號或者關閉系統(tǒng)。在其他操作中,它們能控制設備的開啟順序,比如壓縮機或者電磁閥。




  此外,ASCO以幾種不同的品牌來銷售電磁閥產(chǎn)品。這些包括控制易燃介質(zhì)的ASCO/GENERAL CONTROLS®,醫(yī)療市場的ASCO SCIENTIFIC®,較普通場所應用的SIRAI ®。所有這些產(chǎn)品都具有如您所期望的于控制閥工業(yè)的高精品質(zhì)和可靠性能。


  1992年,ASCO在新加坡成立了一家子公司和區(qū)域總部。為了扶持和協(xié)調(diào)在亞洲區(qū)的飛速發(fā)展,ASCO Valve上海成立了。隨后其它的中國各地銷售公司也相繼開業(yè)為我們亞洲顧客提供更便捷的服務。[3]






  ASCO所有產(chǎn)品按照標準設計和生產(chǎn),電磁閥產(chǎn)品可滿足各種應用的需要,控制不同液態(tài)及氣態(tài)流體,并提供廣泛的選擇:其介質(zhì)可以是易燃、易爆或腐蝕性的;壓力可達到150巴;溫度可以從-50C到300C;口徑從1/8英寸至6英寸,產(chǎn)品包括普通型、防爆型、手動復位、本安型、滑動式、長壽型、蒸汽/熱水及氣控閥。其出色的防爆性能廣泛應用于石化、電廠等行業(yè)。同時,根據(jù)不同的產(chǎn)品也適用于其他行業(yè)如:環(huán)保和水處理以及醫(yī)療設備儀器等相關OEM配套等等。在氣動控制產(chǎn)品方面,ASCO JOUCOMATIC能夠設計出一些特別的氣動元件以滿足各種自動控制的需要。同時,為了適應電子化的要求,也提供比例氣動產(chǎn)品和用在微電腦通訊的系統(tǒng),如閥島、閥門連接系統(tǒng)、簡單多線電纜的板快和連接器等等。[


ASCO Power Technologies, the world leader in emergency and standby power transfer solutions. Automatic Transfer Switches and Power Systems safeguard data and ecommunications networks, industrial process and critical installations from health care facilities to financial transaction centers.
Click to go to ASCO Valve for fluid control and fluid power products and applications

ASCO is the worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of quality solenoid valves. ASCO products are designed to control the flow of air, gas, water, oil and steam. Our heritage of innovation has resulted in an extensive line of ASCO products that range from two position on/off valves to entire flow control solutions designed to meet requirements of thousands of customers. Whether you need a minor modification of a core product or a complete flow control solution, we can help.
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ASCO is the Power Authority. We control, distribute, transfer, monitor, measure, manage, display, maintain, service and communicate with it. Over the past 80 years, ASCO has pioneered every major product innovation in power transfer technology. And we're committed to providing a full range of quality-driven products, backed by 24-hour nationwide service support ASCO offers the world's largest selection of standard valves to handle virtually any application. More than 10,000 specialized solenoid valves handle everything one can think of. ASCO's Fluid Power line offers a wide range of components from fieldbus valve islands, pneumatic proportioning valves, ISO valves, miniature valves, manual/mechanical valves, NFPA cylinders to air preparation equipment.

Click to go to ASCO Power Technologies for transfer switches and power control systems and solutions
ASCO Power Technologies, the world leader in emergency and standby power transfer solutions. Automatic Transfer Switches and Power Systems safeguard data and ecommunications networks, industrial process and critical installations from health care facilities to financial transaction centers.
Click to go to ASCO Valve for fluid control and fluid power products and applications

ASCO is the worldwide leader in the design and manufacture of quality solenoid valves. ASCO products are designed to control the flow of air, gas, water, oil and steam. Our heritage of innovation has resulted in an extensive line of ASCO products that range from two position on/off valves to entire flow control solutions designed to meet requirements of thousands of customers. Whether you need a minor modification of a core product or a complete flow control solution, we can help.
switchstory2.GIF (10602 bytes) valvestory2.GIF (8638 bytes)
ASCO offers the world's largest selection of standard valves to handle virtually any application. More than 10,000 specialized solenoid valves handle everything one can think of. ASCO's Fluid Power line offers a wide range of components from fieldbus valve islands, pneumatic proportioning valves, ISO valves, miniature valves, manual/mechanical valves, NFPA cylinders to air preparation equipment.
ASCO is the Power Authority. We control, distribute, transfer, monitor, measure, manage, display, maintain, service and communicate with it. Over the past 80 years, ASCO has pioneered every major product innovation in power transfer technology. And we're committed to providing a full range of quality-driven products, backed by 24-hour nationwide service support.

The World's Leading Manufacturer of Solenoid Valves
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New ASCO Low-Power Solenoid Valve
ASCO’s low-power solenoid valve series offers .55 watt power consumption while providing highly reliable operating performance. The low-power valve is ideal for process applications in the refining, upstream oil and gas, chemical, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, and power generation industries.
Low-Power Catalog
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  New Low-Power Solenoid Valve Technology Changes The Game- 8/10
  How New Lead-Free Regulations Impacts Your Selection of Potable Water Valves-8/10
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New 2-Way & 3-Way Direct Valves
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